Tuesday, 29 June 2021

[3WR] 思い出のマーニー / When Marnie Was There (2014)

 思い出のマーニー    When Marnie Was There[link to netflix]  

Released: 19 July 2014 (103 min)
Director: Isao Takahata
Producer: Yoshiaki Nishimura

As part of Ghibli Club, each person submits a 3-word review [3WR] for the film after watching. Why not send yours to add to the list? 


Kuuki time travel 
Family tree sketching 
Strong family ties 
Girl forgets gran
Fiend oar Grandmother
Mudflats steal Shoes!
Pure, honest friendship

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

[3WR] かぐや姫の物語 / The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)

 かぐや姫の物語    The Tale of the Princess Kaguya[link to netflix]  

Released: 23 January 2013 (137 min)
Director: Isao Takahata
Producer: Yoshiaki Nishimura

As part of Ghibli Club, each person submits a 3-word review [3WR] for the film after watching. Why not send yours to add to the list? 


Celestial Moon Presence
Classical shimmering beauty
Slightly episodic storybook
Princess of nature
Nurture nobbles nature
Moonwalker thwarts suitors
alien attracts aristocracy

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

[3WR] 風立ちぬ / The Wind Rises (2013)

 風立ちぬ    The Wind Rises[link to netflix]  

Released: 20 July 2013 (126 min)
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Producer: Toshio Suzuki

As part of Ghibli Club, each person submits a 3-word review [3WR] for the film after watching. Why not send yours to add to the list? 


Jiro to zero
Detailed Writing Rises
Aeronautics meets origami
Jiro's flighty fancies 
Close to bone
Flying Mackerel Bones
The Final Flight? 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

[3WR] コクリコ坂から / From Up on Poppy Hill (2011)


 コクリコ坂から    From Up on Poppy Hill[link to netflix]  

Released: 16 July 2011 (91 min)
Director: Gorō Miyazaki
Producer: Toshio Suzuki

As part of Ghibli Club, each person submits a 3-word review [3WR] for the film after watching. Why not send yours to add to the list? 


Who's your daddy?
love boat lives
Goro’s good film
Incest evading lovers
Friends like family
Flagging home makeover
Japanese Animal House.


Tuesday, 1 June 2021

[3WR] 借りぐらしのアリエッティ / Arrietty (2010)

 借りぐらしのアリエッティ    Arrietty[link to netflix]  

Released: 17 July 2010 (94 min)
Director: Hiromasa Yonebayashi
Producer: Toshio Suzuki

As part of Ghibli Club, each person submits a 3-word review [3WR] for the film after watching. Why not send yours to add to the list? 


Concise, conventional content
giant renovates kitchen 
The Little Escape 
Small but mighty
Theft without heft
Failed sugar heist
Resourceful Little People