A month on, so how is the new government working out for you? Dave and Nick (let us not forget Gideon "oik" Osborne) are leading us now. When they say "prime minister" on the news, they mean him. The sequel to "Four Weddings" and "Notting Hill" is now our government, oh the japes.
As a country being marshalled together by someone who has only a job in PR as their "previous experience", we should be well aware that it is the impression created that will be most important.
There are plenty of disappointments but a few good things too. Well, they appear good.
We are £20bn better off than expected apparently.
Bizarrely, Osborne used his time to say that things are worse than expected and also that the figures have been massaged. Obviously, if he had any idea on finances, he would have a more accurate expectation. And might realise that making things sound worse does actually start making things worse - such as running down GBP and causing a minor downgrade of currency.
It is a shame that Mr Laws had to resign so quickly - he'll be back soon. He is very clever don't you know, that is what everyone tells me. Clever enough to think that having principles would get him caught out? That was why this millionaire felt the best way to hide his sexuality was to claim voluntary living expenses. Not because he is a twat.
As the cabinet was announced, it all started to feel a bit samey, but PR Dave won't let you down, we had a token woman as Home Sec and, unbelievably, as Equalities Minister. Nice to see that Dave felt that the position required somebody with a homophobic voting record. But, agreed, equalities for bigots too, they are people aswell. As we are all about to find out.
Refusal to attend Question Time unless the panel had been approved, that is new politics. Why go on the most popular political media output - by far - if you do not like it? It is better to go on Sky News, at least you will get fairly explicit support from them, actual probity is a bit risky. This is remarkably like the present Mayor of London - talk about transparency a lot in the papers but close down any opportunity to actual scrutiny in the media.
First interview by the transport second was used as a way to eulogise the car, and driving. Next thing was to talk about how the war on motorists was to end, and public transport required to sweat their assets.
IS it any wonder that the opposition has seen a surge in membership? What a shame that we, as humans, usually need to be prompted into action.