Thursday, 18 July 2013


Clearly, I don't use this blog space very much but I have been reminded of it by an interesting tumblr1:

In a circular way, I encouraged that one as I was trying to work out how to resurrect an old website I had ten years ago that formed the function of a blog. I had been asked by a few people to stay in touch but I felt a little uncomfortable about the push nature of e-mail so I thought I would set up a way for people to check in if they wanted. As it happens, very few people "wanted" to so it died a death. But it still forms a useful function and it is finding that again that reminds me of that function.

This is what it was:

(it was hosted on geocities and lycos)

As it was a blog without a blogging platform, it was hand coded and actually that part was pretty time-consuming:

I updated links manually as I made new pages; photos required pages made with separate thumbnails; contact details were separated; the "design", such as it was, was not done with templates or style sheets.

I think it lends it a congruence with the time it is from but I find it very interesting that it was done just before it was about to be made much, much easier with popular platforms and "social media" allowing the simple spread of journals and photos.

I am going to go through and add the posts (timed to when they were written) to this blog so please comment on them if you can.
It starts here:
The flight and day 1 (25/05/03) & (26/05/03)

and eventually ends here:
Christmas/New Year in Japan (a mere 7 months later...)

With some nonsense in between, such as:
Is marriage confirmed?

which is all linked to the GeoWeb tag [link] from "GeoCities Website".
---end of update---

I am also considering whether to add this actual blog content to this too:
It was/is a Japanese language blog I was trying to do. I guess if I get pageviews, I might do.

1. Tumblr has just been bought by Yahoo. My original website was hosted on lycos and then geocities which was owned (and then disbanded) by Yahoo.

The author of the blog did not use the blogspot (owned by Google) account he had as that is blocked by The Great Chinese Firewall. My Geocities website was also blocked by the Chinese. I find the symmetry pleasing.

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