Friday, 12 March 2021

[3WR] 君の名は。 / Your Name. (2016)

 君の名は。    Your Name.[link to netflix]  

Released: 16 August 2016 (107 min)
Director: Makoto Shinkai
Producer: Kōichirō Itō

As part of Ghibli Club Gaiden [ジブリクラブ外伝], we have decided to have a "rest week" which allows people to catch up and we also have an optional side film that is Ghibli adjacent. Each person also submits a 3-word review [3WR] for the film after watching. Why not send yours to add to the list?

As it happens, Your Name is actually a film that I have already blogged about and that is here too.


Mitsuha san's frontiers
Musubi via boobie(s) 
Celestial Freaky Friday 
Temporal Transformational Romance
Sliding doors moments
Embrace the change




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