Friday, 22 January 2021

Ghibli Club

Have you heard of Hayao Miyazaki? The founder of Ghibli Studio (pronounced JIBURI), he has created a number of groundbreaking cartoons/anime[1] that you have probably heard of but maybe not seen. Just another one of those famous directors who you will one day get around to watching the films of. Well, maybe that day is closer than you think.

After chatting with a friend/acquaintance that was in that position, we decided to watch together (in the sense of a book club, rather than actually watching at exactly the same time) a load of the Ghibli films about once a week. Although the order has not yet been decided, we have started chronologically in order of release.

Why not join the club?

There are over twenty films on Netflix UK so they are relatively easy to stream for many people.

If you would like to join the club, the only thing that you have to do is watch along at roughly the same pace and provide a three word review (3WR) after watching.

So far, we have only watched Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (風の谷のナウシカ) [Netflix link] and will be watching Laputa: Castle in the Sky (天空の城ラピュタ) [Netflix link] next. It is the perfect time to JOIN US.

My Nausicaä 3WR, for example, is The Wind Worriers.

Let me know (comment, message or email) if you are interested and I will add you to the list (which has 5 7 people on it at time of this post) with guideline dates.

Laputa next!

1. Anime is just the Japanese word for animated media and brings all of our prejudices into the word as cartoons do too.

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